I Still Believe
Ever had a day like this?
- Ever had 24, 48, 72 or 96 hours like this
- What I am referring to is when things hit you hard and unexpected
- You try not to let on that it is getting to you, but you end up shaking your head
like wow, is there anything else
- And while you are going through this there is still an expectation to produce, to
be the best you can be
- This is where your faith gets tested, stretched, widened, expanded, pulled,
pushed, lengthened, elongated, spread out, broadened, bigger, unfolded, spread,
and unrolled,
the lessons taught in this book can give us the faith to echo the words of Job,
“Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.”
- we can look confidently and lovingly into the face of our Heavenly Father and
declare, “I still believe!"