Event Request Form Event Request Step 1 of 4 25% Title of EventDate of Event* MM slash DD slash YYYY Time of Event* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Type of Event*Number of People Expected* Office:Request Creation of: Sign-Up Sheet Flyers: Amt:_________________________ Tickets: Amt:_______________________ Announcement Slide Insurance Waivers Postcards: Amt:______________________ Other: Advertising: Church online Flyer during opening of Services Request Announcement during service on:Other Instructions:Facility: Person opening building on day of event:Time Building Open: : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Time Building Closed: : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Facility: Person Locking building on day of event:Areas Requested:* Sanctuary Kitchen Children’s Room Toddler Nursery Foyer Outdoor/Lawn Off Campus Other: ________________________________________________ Tables Requested: 6-Foot: ________________________________ Round: ________________________________ Padded Chairs: # per table __________________________ Folding Chairs: # per table __________________________ Custodial:* Set up help requested. Day/time:_________________________ Take down help requested. Day/time:________________________ Clean-Up Crew: _____________________________________________________ Day and time Facility Available:______________________________________ Special Instructions:Kitchen: Plates amt: ________________ Cups amt: _________________ Napkins amt: ______________ Utensils amt: ______________ Food Requested: Coffee Servings: _________________ Lemonade Servings: _____________ Sugar/Creamer Condiments amt: ________________ Butter amt: ______________________ Others: _______________________________________________ Special InstructionsOther supplies needed:Help Requested from Hospitality: (Must be approved) Meal Prep Clean Up Servers Technical/MusicEquipment: Sound Microphones: #______________ Podium Piano/Organ Recording Support Staff Deacons Ushers Ministerial Staff Sound Tech Computer Tech Musicians Greeters Childcare: 0-2 years # ________________ 2-4 years #_________________ 4-5 years #_________________ 5+ years # _________________ help requested for the following ages (must be approved by nursery staff) Finances:Estimated Event Budget: $ _____________________________ Budgeted from Ministry/auxiliary _____________________(request of funds needed 14 days prior to event) Offering or proceeds will be collected: _____________________ No funds required, sponsored event. Any special needs or request not covered Δ